Examples of workshops Sanna has facilitated for both Finnish and international teachers:
1. Introduction to Finnish education / Finnish high school – structure, curriculum and pedagogy
Are you interested in the Finnish education system? In this hands-on workshop, you will be introduced to the basics of the Finnish system in general or more specifically the high school system in Finland. What brings good learning results? What are the characteristics of Finnish education? What does ´less is more´ mean?
Finnish education is of high quality. Differences in the learning results of different schools are small and nearly all students complete comprehensive school within target time. Preschool education, comprehensive education and upper secondary education is free of charge and also higher education is for the most part free of charge. The goal is for everyone to have an equal opportunity to receive high quality education regardless of the family’s income and to grow up to become active citizens.
2. Team learning and P3BL
Interested in team learning? Phenomenon-, Problem-, or Project based learning? In this workshop you will be introduced to the basics of team learning and P3BL . What are they, how have they been implemented in Finland, what is expected from the teacher and the students? There is also time for discussion.
Team learning – A type of collaborative learning using individual work, group work and immediate feedback to create a motivational framework in which students hold each other accountable for coming to class prepared and contributing to discussion. Team learning changes the focus of the classroom from a teacher lecturing to the active work done by the student teams. The focus of the lessons also changes from teaching to learning. With team learning, students spend most of the class time applying the course concepts to problems they are solving. By changing the work from home to school, the students can better use the knowledge of the teacher and get more immediate feedback on their decisions and thinking process. In a traditional classroom the teacher often only gets to see the finished work and therefore has limited opportunities to give feedback on their work.
3. Teacher collaboration and collaborative classroom
Successful teacher collaboration in integrated curriculum is premised on the following factors: assertive and continued administrative support, strong collaborative foundation, establishment of informal communities of practice, utilization of successful strategies that are teacher generated, and informed selection of teacher leaders. Cross-curricular collaboration brings together teachers from different subject areas to plan and execute collaboration in the classroom.
In this workshop you’ll start the teaming process in your school or the whole school district. We will discuss my 7 principles of meaningful collaboration. Form the teams, start the teaming process and start planning a multicurricular unit the teachers will execute in their schools.
There is a power to working in groups. Groups have existed for as long as there have been people, they are a natural environment for most of us. To collaborate is to work with another or others. In practice, cooperative or collaborative learning has come to mean students working in pairs or small groups to achieve shared learning goals. It is learning through group work rather than learning by working alone. The principles of effective collaboration are e.g. positive interdependence, interaction, individual and group accountability, teamwork skills and group processing through dialogue and reflection. Effective and meaningful group work generally demonstrates greater academic achievement and express more favorable attitudes toward learning.
4. Assessment and evaluation from the Finnish perspective
The most important purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. Assessment and evaluations are important tools for designing curriculum and instructional approaches as per need of the students. They also play an important role in understanding overall effectiveness of programs and revising classroom practices. Well-designed assessments help students use the knowledge and skills they have learnt and indicate their level of performance. As part of assessment, teachers provide students with descriptive feedback that guides their effort towards improvement.
In this workshop you’ll become familiar with multiple ways of assessing and evaluating your students and you’ll have a chance to actually plan your lessons so that you’ll incorporate these into your everyday work.

Are you interested? Please be in touch and we’ll plan your workshop in detail.
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